journeys of the heart told one image at a time

love stories

Working with Kate for her Wisconsin senior session in the downtown area was a blast. I always love photographing my seniors in the downtown area because we can walk around, explore a bit, and capture some super cute photos along the way! We spent a good amount of time during the day in the downtown […]

Downtown Wisconsin Senior Session | Kate

October 14, 2022


If you are a senior and you are looking for unique aspects to add to your senior photo session then you’ve come to the right place! I always love to encourage my seniors to bring along special items, uniforms, or anything they love to their session. Hannah is a dancer and decided that she wanted […]

Outdoor Dance Senior Photo Session | Hannah

October 12, 2022


I had so much fun capturing Lauren and Brian’s Minnesota engagement session with their dog Olive. When my couples tell me they’re going to bring along their furry friend to their sessions, I ALWAYS get super excited. Being a dog mom myself, I know that having your pets at the session makes it all the […]

Minnesota Engagement | Lauren + Brian

October 7, 2022


If you know me, you know my favorite place on earth is the beach and so, you can imagine my excitement when we landed on a beach engagement session for these two! I absolutely loved everything about this session from their vibrant love to their bubbly personalities. When it comes to beach sessions, choosing the […]

Minnesota Beach Engagement | Marissa + Cal

October 5, 2022


Peytons Milwaukee senior photos by Brittany Sue Photography

Peyton’s midwest senior pictures are to die for! She killed her session and her gallery turned out amazing! She changed into three different outfits and the last one was absolutely adorable. But what can I say, I’m a sucker for a sundress and cute hat. Peyton was a joy to work with and she is […]

Midwest Senior Pictures | Peyton

September 30, 2022


Wisconsin Senior Photos of Zoe by Brittany Sue Photography

Check out Zoe’s senior photos to see how you can incorporate your sport into your session!

Milwaukee Senior Session | Zoe

September 28, 2022


Olivia and Matt’s day was truly magical! I loved the color scheme and the intentionality of their day.

Wisconsin Summer Wedding | Olivia + Matt

September 21, 2022


AP's senior photos by Brittany Sue Photography

These Midwest Senior Photos with AP were a blast! They are full of outfit inspiration and posing ideas for your next session.

Midwest Senior Photos | AP

September 16, 2022


Claire senior session by Brittany Sue Photography

These Milwaukee senior portraits with Claire and perfect for outfit inspiration, it will give you great ideas on what to wear to your own session!

Milwaukee Senior Portraits | Claire

September 14, 2022


Dehmlows one year photos Brittany Sue Photography

This Milwaukee one year old session was so much fun! The birthday boy got to play on the tractor and he loved it!

Milwaukee 1 Year Old Session | The Dehmlows

September 7, 2022
